Friday, July 28, 2006

A long trip

Monday night I flew out of NY. What I thought was going to be a straight shot to Paris ended up stopping in Iceland. The flight there was less than 5 hours, and since mine was a last-minute ticket, I ended up getting a seat in the very last row, with no one occupying the two seats beside me. That was nice, but being in the back also meant I was the last person to be served dinner. I could've eaten a barf bag (an empty one!) by the time they got to me.
Seeing dawn from the airplane was breathtaking, but it was gray and dreary in Iceland. The landscape was barren and rocky, like the moon. I saw no trees, but did spot an ice-blue spring/lake. I think I was on the wrong side of the plane to spot the mountains in the distance, but when we deboarded I caught a glimpse. It was under 50 degrees there, and the airport workers were all wearing coats. I only spent an hour at the airport, then we were off to Paris. I got to see the Eiffel Tower through the smog as we were landing, and at the airport got my first whif of famous Parisian B.O.
I took an overnight train to Rome from Paris. It was supposed to take 12 hours, but it lasted 16 hours. I met some cool people in the bar car of the train: Americans, Mexicans, a crazy Italian (is that a redundancy?), an Austrian and a Swiss. It was good company for an otherwise excruciating ride. I could hardly sleep, as the jetlag had my internal clock all messed up, so when we finally arrived in Rome at 3 the next day (Wednesday), I was exhausted. Plus I was sweaty, stinky and greasy. I cherish my first shower in Rome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.