Thursday, November 16, 2006

An email from my student

The other day in my level 1 conversation class, we were talking about emails, and I asked my students if they ever email anyone in English. Since some of them replied no, I assigned them homework to send me an email of five sentences telling me something they like about the class and something they don't like about the class. I got several sweet replies, but this was my favorite. I've put my comments in brackets just to help with readers' comprehension, because his English is a little jacked up!

Dear. Annie (Beautiful my English teacher)

Hi~~ ^^

I am Anthony. Did you have a good day, today?

Frist of all, I am sorry for accept [being absent] today.

I should have attendanced class. Because I had much drink with my army friend.

But, Although too late, I have heared homework.

I think, Good point of Our English class is kindness and smaile. But, Bad point is shame.

They [the other students] must have spoken English [in the past], but it's difficult. So, They are give up. easily.

Your teach is very good. Don't care.

That's all.

As you know, I should go to America on December 3rd.

I am expect my study in there!! ^^

Could you tell me about it?

I hope to learn America custome.

Will have a good day!! (OH.... sorry. Time goes by 12am...^^;;)

May you succeed!!

from. Anthony ^^


Anonymous said...

Great assignment, Beautiful my English Teacher.
I really think he is a fellow Kentuckian in disguise. Not bad really! Er muss eine gute englische Lehrerin haben.

The Kentuckian

Jennie said...

Uh, what? No that's cute, especially th blatant sucking up to teacher ;)