Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I love my job.

I'm teaching three job interview preparation classes, which are endless sources of entertainment for me. Here is an exchange I witnessed today between two students, Reggie and Peter.

Reggie: What kind of people do you like to work with?
Peter: I don't like to work with people who dishonest, not motivated...
Reggie: No. Peter, I asking question 21. What kind of people do you like to work with?
Peter: Oh. I not...I mis-...I not understanding question. Sorry. I like to work with people who honest, attractive...
Reggie: Like men? You like attractive men?
Peter: Yes. (obviously not understanding)
Reggie: You sound like some kind of pervert, Peter.
Annie: (falling on floor laughing for five minutes)

Another time I asked a student, James, what his greatest strength was.
His reply: I think my greatest strength is my stickiness.
Me: Your stickiness?
James: Yes, my stickiness.
Me: What do you mean?
James: I mean when my boss is giving me a project I working very long time and very hard to finishing it.
Me: Ah, so you mean diligence.
James: No, I mean stickiness.
Me: Uh, I don't think stickiness is the word you want to use here. Use 'perseverance' or 'diligence.'
James: Okay.


Jennie said...

Sticky can be good ;) Sounds like a riot!

Anonymous said...

I usually don't get sticky at work... Obviously, I should start. Keep these coming! Hope you are doing well... Sorry you can't back back for the holidays. Surely they have some made up, anti-American holiday over there like all the other countries we Hoosiers don't understand ;)