Sunday, December 31, 2006

Seoul New Year

One of the most glaring differences that Americans face when going abroad is safety. Once you leave the U.S., you realize how hard our government works to try to protect its citizens from senseless harm and death. Korea's New Year's celebration is a prime example of the fun, excitement and danger that can accompany the absence of such protective regulations. My pals Leslie, Alice and I joined the hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Seoul's citycenter to hear the 33 rings of the massive Bosingak bell. Hungry pyromaniacs (including ourselves) snatched up 2-foot-long handheld fireworks launchers from street vendors, and as midnight approached, the air grew so thick with fireworks smoke that we couldn't even see the surrounding buildings. In every direction all we could see were the blazing trails of fireworks. I should've worn a hat: hot embers sizzled in our eyes and hair. There was extensive police presence, but only to block off certain roads and sidewalks, directing the flow of foot traffic. They seemed oblivious to the hordes of fire-wielders. Amazingly, out of the hundreds of thousands of people I saw launching fireworks, I only witnessed two men actually aiming them at each other. Everyone else responsibly kept their firesticks pointing skyward. It was all very civilized. Notice in this photo the small child holding her own stick not even higher than an adult's eye level.

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