Friday, September 01, 2006

After three days, my job hunt ends

Great news: I got a job! I'd say three days is probably my record for finding a job. I signed a contract today at a school called YBM (don't know what that stands for), a really reputable company with schools all over the world. It's not a public school, rather it's a language institute (called a hagwan). I'll be making about $2400 a month, with many possibilities for overtime. In fact, my boss showed me another teacher's pay stub today, and after working a ton of overtime he had made $4600! I definitely won't be taking that much overtime, especially at first, but at least I know the opportunity is there if I get strapped for cash. I spoke with a teacher today who said over the past year she was able to save up $20,000. So within 6 months I should be well on my way to saving up some dough. If I stayed for a couple of years, maybe I can pay off all my student loans!

The company doesn't pay for my apartment, but pays my deposit. They'll help me find an apartment; next Thursday I meet with a man from the company who will take me to an agent to show me apartments. Typical rent here is about $350-$400/month. I can get a furnished apartment for a little more, but I'm thinking of just getting unfurnished. We'll see what kind of options I'll have next Thursday. As soon as I decide on an apartment, the company will pay my deposit and I'll move in. Then they'll send me to Japan to get my visa worked out. They'll pay for my flight there and a night in a hotel. When I want to start taking Korean classes, YBM will pay 50% of the cost. I have to start a week of training on Sept. 18th, and I start working on Oct. 1, I think. After I complete the week of training, they'll pay me $400.

The school's located in the heart of Seoul, and I'll be living about 15 minutes away by bus. I do have to work a split shift, but that's okay. It'll make me be disciplined with getting to bed on time, as my first class starts at 7! Near the school there's a gym I can join as well as a public bath house with sauna, etc., where I can go rest during my off hours. The good thing is that they rotate schedules, so I won't have to work evenings every single month. Every other month I'll have evenings off. Upon completion of a year's contract, they'll pay me an extra month's salary and pay for my ticket home.

I'm so excited and relieved to have that done!

I think that's all the info I have for now. I did some sightseeing today while I was in that area to meet my new boss. Seems like a really cool area with lots of historical sites and artsy-craftsy shops.


Anonymous said...

Great to see you are getting settled. What a vacation you had! I enjoyed your tour.

Uncle Jimbo

Jennie said...

Yippee! Congrats on your new job and your soon-to-be new apartment! So are you and Leslie working together directly then? You two punas will turn that place upside down.

In case you didn't figure it out by my use of the word "puna", Jen05 is me Jennie, your nerdy school friend and smokin' hot mama to the world's cutest girl ;)

Anonymous said...

In the HEART of SEOUL. But, hey I wouldn't have passed it up either.