Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I've got Seoululite...bad.

Some notes on Seoul:
Traffic laws exist for everyone but motorcycles. They can drive wherever and whenever they want. I don't even think they LOOK at traffic lights. They drive on the sidewalk, the crosswalks, the gutters. If I die here, it will be because I got run over by a motorcycle.

The fashion here is soooooo cool. It's totally 80's, but good 80's. The women are gorgeous. I mean seriously gorgeous. If I had a man, I wouldn't bring him here. Most of the western women I've spoken with here agree that we all feel like dogs compared to the Korean women. We are in luck, though! The men are stunning as well...eye candy everywhere. And these guys know how to dress! They look incredible in their spiffy suits, and they are NOT afraid to wear pink. I swear, one in 10 guys wears pink. The other day I saw a guy wearing a pink t-shirt with a bedazzled rhinestone heart just below his left shoulder. Surprisingly, it did not detract a bit from his beauty. The guys here spend more time doing their hair than all Korean women and even French men combined. I've never seen so much hair product per male capita.

Two things that are not rude from a Korean standpoint but are from mine: staring and knocking people down without a backward glance. I've learned to ignore the staring (had plenty of that in Mexico), but being pushed around with no apology is taking some time to get used to.

Update on my living situation: Hopefully I move into my new apartment on Thursday. It's an officetel (small studio) not too terribly far from my work. I've opted for no bed. Going to do it Korean style, with a padded mat on the floor. That'll leave me more space and be good for my back.

I'm at a hotel now (paid for by my company), but I spent the last week couchsurfing (check out www.couchsurfing.com). Mad props, Justin, for suggesting that site to me many months ago. I've had fantastic experiences! Best one: staying with Natascha, and Austrian, in her hotel room on the 20th floor of a luxury hotel in a business district of Seoul for 3 nights. It couldn't get any more posh than that.

I officially start Korean lessons in November, but am trying to learn the Hangul alphabet on my own now. I'd like to start Taekwondo as well, but won't do that til after a couple of months. I found a yoga school, but it's not cheap, and the teacher can't compare to the awesome ones at Yoga East in Louisville. I was so spoiled there!

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